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Tips for Parents

The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada offers the following advice for parents undertaking the psychoeducational assessment process:


Keep an open mind. If you think your child has a certain disorder or fits the criteria for a particular diagnosis, you may already have an idea about what the problem is. While it is fine to have hunches about these things, keep in mind that the assessment may reveal something different.


Plan ahead. Take part in the assessment process at a time that is not too busy or stressful for you or your child. To provide a realistic picture of your child, we want to know what they are like in a typical day-to-day setting.


Make sure you are prepared. Be sure to gather all the necessary information (such as report cards, assessment reports, and other medical and educational documents) in advance. The process will be faster and more efficient this way.


Take your time and be thoughtful. There are some problems that do not require a psychoeducational assessment as the first solution. Tutoring, counseling, or other strategies may be tried first.


Keep a realistic perspective. A psycho-educational assessment can provide valuable information about how your child learns, but it won't solve every problem or provide quick fixes. Many of the recommendations require hard work and dedication to a new way of learning and working. Start with manageable and meaningful recommendations and move forward from there. Be patient.


Be engaged. After the assessment is complete and you meet with the psychologist to get your results, actively listen, take notes, and ask any and all questions you have. After your appointment, you should feel confident about what you're going to do next.

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